....a little bit of what's going on in my life today...

...a little bit of what's going on in my life today....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


You know, in all my years of cooking, I've had relatively few mishaps. A cut here and there, and burn once in awhile, but really nothing major. Well, tonight that changed. I had a blonde moment. I was pulling bread out of the oven and dropped the potholder. Right onto the heating element, and guess what!!?? It caught on fire! So, amist yelling for John to come in there NOW!, I hated to scream that we had a fire in the house, would have scared the kids half to death, I grabbed the tongs and pulled it out of the oven and threw it in the sink, turning on the water! Whew!
It really probably couldn't be classified as a fire, as it was just the potholder itself that had flames coming out of it. The oven wasn't on fire, and the smoke detector didn't even come on, but I do not wish to experience that again. I'm probably naive, but I didn't even know that could happen! Lesson learned!! he,he


Staci said...

I don't tell many people this, but I'll confess in the hopes of making you feel less blond. I once set the microwave on fire with a twisty tie. Thank the Lord for all of the fire safety assemblies in school because I remembered to smother it quick enough to keep the whole thing from exploding.

kristen lewis said...

I started a fire with a bag of microwave popcorn. How does one accomplish that? You are not alone.

Unknown said...

I have had many fires. The first time I made fried chicken I called the fire dept. Embarrasingly I had the fire out by the time they got there, and they just caused a neighborhood scene for no reason.

Lori E. said...

Life lessons are so hard...WHY do we have to learn that heating elements will set a pot holder on fire?? I have done that more than once, and that is all I am saying about that. I am loving your blog!! Keep it up!!