....a little bit of what's going on in my life today...

...a little bit of what's going on in my life today....

Thursday, January 15, 2009


It is dang cold here!! I don't like the cold, that's why I live here and not up north! However, you can't always escape it. Right this minute my parents are off on a cruise, they left from San Diego and went through the Panama Canal and are coming back into Florida on Saturday. Bet they aren't cold!!!

Well, I have nothing of value to say, and I'm not going to complain the entire time, so this will be a short post, I just saw that it had already been a week since I had posted, so I'm on here just because. My boy will be starting basketball on Saturday. Well, the practices start Saturday. I don't know yet when the first game is, we'll find that out at practice. I can't wait. It will be so cute (I hope) to watch 4, 5, and 6 year olds playing. I have a feeling that he may be the oldest one on the team, so he's going to have to do good! He's looking forward to it. We've done t-ball the last 2 summers and he played soccer last fall and enjoyed all of it, so I'm sure he'll enjoy this too. He's going to be playing with his cute little friend Carson. If Carson's momma would start a blog like all of her blogging friends have been nagging her to do, you could see how cute he is! And his brother too! But brother is too old to play with us. I'll be sure and update how the first practice goes, I'm sure that you will hear much more about this than you will ever want to know! Bye for now......


Staci said...

I agree, Carson's momma should start a blog. Blogland is seriously in need of Carson stories!

And it is freaking cold!!!

Angie said...

Freakin' cold indeed. And ditto on the Carson stories! I wanna come watch some of that bball. That is going to be so fun! How could a sport w/ 4, 5, and 6 year olds be anything less than a riot!! Grant's going to play soccer for the first time this spring. Riot riot riot. Somebody pray for me.

Stacey said...

Holy Moly...you girlies are fun. Blogland + Carson stories, eh? What a hoot! My life made public might frighten away folks. Eeek! BB is going to be fun! Total fun. Can't wait. See you tomorrow.