....a little bit of what's going on in my life today...

...a little bit of what's going on in my life today....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DS is missing.....

Well, tonight I have a prayer request post. I cannot find Hunter's Nintendo DS that he just got for Christmas ANYWHERE! And to top it off, he had the brand new Mario Brother's game in it which was a week old and cost $35.00!!!! Tonight the kids were outside playing, while I was turning the house upside down for at least the 3rd time. The last time I saw it was at Market Street, we were in their little dining area for a meeting I had with some church ladies. I am 99.9999% sure it got home, Janae is positive it did. I did call today asking if it had been turned in, just in case. It had not, but that was about 10 days ago. It's one of those things that I triple check to make sure we have, so it doesn't get left anywhere. But....what's making me doubt is that I was absolutely, positively sure that I had Janae's jacket in my hands when we left basketball on Saturday, couldn't find it when we got home, so I called the church, and yes, it got left there. So, now I doubt myself that I triple checked that we were bringing home the DS. I am mostly positive that it is in this house, so I'm still looking. Tonight I had a revelation.....PRAY for some help from God!! HELLO!! So, I did, but He hasn't shown it to me yet. Dad doesn't know about this yet, it won't go over very well if we can't find it, so please pray with me that it will be found, and found quickly!!!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Didja find it? I prayed! I am always paranoid about Zach and the DS when we take it somewhere. Too freakin' expensive!